Tips on Mobile Home Roof Repair and Replacement

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Tips on Mobile Home Roof Repair and Replacement

Posted on: October 7th, 2014 by Stephen Daigle

If you are among the 20 million owners of a mobile home in the United States, chances are that you too, invest significant time and resources into making sure that it is functional and well-maintained. Roofing, especially, can prove to be a rather complex home improvement project. You need to stay alert about even small cracks and holes that form over a period of time. As a homeowner, it is important to note the ideal time to plan roof repairs when you notice a problem.

When is the right time to pursue a mobile home roof replacement or repair project?

One of the most common causes of roof damage is extreme weather conditions. You may want to get in touch with a repair or replacement team in the following situations:

  • Noticing leaks in the ceiling
  • When there is an unnecessary escalation in your energy bills
  • When you notice dark or dirty-looking areas on the roof
  • If the exterior paint of your roof starts to peel

mobile home roof repair

The type of roof and the extent of the damage can help determine whether you need to pursue a home roof replacement or a simple repair exercise will suffice. The following tips can help you pursue an effective solution for your damaged roof:

  • Hire a Professional
    Get in touch with roofing companies in Jacksonville, FL that can give you an estimate on the kind of work that is required. By doing so, you will be able to acquire a basic framework on the extent of work that needs to be done, the processes to consider and the tentative timelines.
  • Get in Touch with the Park Caretaker
    You may choose to use a mobile home roof-over kit to solve the problem on your own. However, if the roof in question derived from asphalt, you will require the involvement of a professional. You could hire an independent contractor for roof repair in Jacksonville, FL or get in touch with the caretaker located within your mobile home park. If the damage is extensive, you may want to consider some financing options.
  • Understand your Needs
    It is important that your contractors have enough experience to use the correct type of tools and materials required to solve your existing roofing problem. For instance, if your roof becomes made out of acrylic elastomeric covering, you will need two roof coats. Also, the market offers differing coating solutions at varied prices. Select one that fits your budget and individual needs. Finally, for the bigger leaks, make it a point to employ melted plastic or glass fiber to mend the holes. Use silicone sealants and a layer of roof paint for added protection.

With professional help, you will be able to achieve perfect results and save the considerable effort that goes into evaluation insulation, electrical systems, and other factors that influence roof repair and replacements.